Going Digital
Over the years, I've tried to switch to a digital map many times, but each time the hassle and unreliability of the computer and/or software left me frustrated and returning back to the paper map. Sean Kavanagh's oziTarget may finally be the solution. The purpose built ballooning program seems to allow me to do everything I can do on paper, and, maybe, even more. The article above contains my first impressions on the software and my first trials with learning and using it. I'll continue to update as I progress through the learning process.
What really convinced me to attempt this transition again was the mass of knowledge Sean has compiled and shared on his website. Previously, one was only able to pick up info here and there, and just when you thought you knew it all something would pop up in a briefing that you didn't know how to do. Sean's educational material is a clear roadmap to get from my paper comfort to digital fluent.
Here is a list of links to Sean's educational material:
oziTarget YouTube Tutorials
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